Day 340

  • August 9, 2023

  • It brings me to my knees, to tell that much truth. I think somebody lied a little when they said being a writer is “so wonderful”, but knowing this doesn’t break the calling.

    I gave up swimming for 2 weeks, and decided yesterday that I can’t function properly without swimming 🏊🏼‍♀️ … I am so deeply grateful that in spite of serious knee issues, I can swim, I love to swim and it’s available to me. Back to it. A piece of BLISS.

    I've been looking at everything I’ve made for All-lines-are-beautiful the last 10 years. Owning my journey is extremely painful. My different attempts to succeed outwardly, my art, blog posts, journals, photography, print store, now art store, NFT’s, the different people I’ve connected with which didn’t create any kind of blossoming. Everything comes with a memory. It’s a miracle I have any kind of sense of humor left.

    There is only one thing that stands, other than my once-a-month piece of humor (G counts), which is the sureness I feel of my Heart-Space. The thing that we all have inside us that connects, loves, creates, expands, cries, laughs, heals ….

    It’s nothing to put on LinkedIn, if I were to play by the rules, which I do not, since there are no rules, and so I will post this on LinkedIn … Living from our Heart-spaces is tricky within this Patriarchy.

    In the midst of it all, a miracle happened. My boyfriend had an inner experience, he wrote an essay about this, poetically ... It was completely from his heart. It was breath-taking. It was surprising, I’m sorry to admit with my generally low opinion of men. My logical, facts-loving, former tech and sales guy, made a Heart move. Not the first of course, and I’m not counting. He took serious pain and transformed it into something bigger, something for the world. I would even venture to say it was a slice of Awakening. We are 54 and 55 - just in case anyone thinks inner growth happens when we are younger and getting everything we want out of life.

    But I’m not surprised by his inner event. It proves what I know, not what I think, beyond a doubt, that we all have MORE layers to our Hearts, if ONLY we had the courage to tap into them.

    Which is why I offer my Heart-Art Bundles - my art and you write and feel into it. This is pure courage and believing in the depths of our beings. It's the Newness of Life.

    It’s not about changing people. It’s not about getting logical people to be intuitive. Is that wherever we are on the human journey, there is MORE to our Hearts. I’m saying specifically that even Oprah and Eckhard aren't done expanding their hearts. Everyone has more heart-layers. Okay some of us more than others.

    Today is a little Ode to and my All-lines-are-beautiful life. I wouldn’t trade it for ANYTHING. I am finally at the point in my life where I can Feel what my beloved coach told me when we first met - and this is why today is so important, “I am so excited for you!”

    Outside the realm of Answers, I will just continue to co-create with the Universe, one blissful step at a time.

    Heart-Strong and with Much Love,



Day 341 Art Meditation, August 18, 2023


May ___, (Day 39__)